Safety Alerts

Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned

ETA Safety Alerts are made available as a quick source of information on a specific safety or environmental topic that may be of interest. Safety Alerts are organized by category. There is also a search function. If you can't find what you need, please contact the ETA Safety Manager, Ron Scholtz X8137.

All Safety Alerts
Hazardous Materials & Waste

A filtering facepiece respirator, also known as a dust mask, is used primarily for protection against nuisance particulate material. Learn more about the use of dust mask respirators.

Hazardous Materials & Waste

Properly dispose of chemically contaminated gloves and wipes. Click here to learn more about how to dispose of these items.


Hazardous Materials & Waste

Learn the requirements for properly disposing waste pump oil as hazardous waste by going to:

Hazardous Materials & Waste

Ensure you properly establish a Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) for any hazardous wastes generated. Go to the following link to find out more: Establishing a SAA Safety Alert

1 Minute 4 Safety

Check out the “1 Minute 4 Safety” slide library designed to assist Berkeley Lab employees in conducting discussions on the environment, safety, and health topics

Lessons Learned and Best Practices Library

Search and contribute to Berkeley Lab's lessons learned library