Home Emergency Preparedness

Home Emergency Preparedness

Home Emergency Preparedness

Be prepared for emergencies at home. Below are some tips and resources to assist you and your family.

  1. Identify what types of emergencies can happen in your area (earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.)
  2. Create a disaster plan
    • Pick two places to meet outside of home
    • Identify an out of state friend or relative that family members can contact
    • Plan how to take care of elderly, disabled, and pets
  3. Create a checklist
    • Emergency phone numbers
    • Utility shut-off locations
    • Emergency supplies
    • Vital documents and medications
  4. Practice your plan
    • Quiz children so they remember what to do
    • Conduct evacuation drills
    • Replace perishable supplies

Helpful Links and Resources

USGS Earthquake Preparedness
Be Prepared California
City of Berkeley Disaster Preparedness Information
FEMA Emergency Preparedness Information
National Safety Council Safety at Home