Safety Alerts
Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned
ETA Safety Alerts are made available as a quick source of information on a specific safety or environmental topic that may be of interest. Safety Alerts are organized by category. There is also a search function. If you can't find what you need, please contact the ETA Safety Manager, Ron Scholtz X8137.
Laboratory fume hoods are an important engineering control used to remove airborne contaminants from a worker’s breathing zone. Improper use or operation of a fume hood could result in exposure to hazardous chemicals, injuries, fires, and even explosions. Learn more about the requirements for the proper operation and maintenance of fume hoods.
Keep your hood sash closed when not in use. This will ensure safety of experiments set-up inside and significantly reduce energy. Go to this link to find out more: Keep Your Hood Sash Closed
Discharge or evaporation of hazardous liquids, wastes, vapors, gases, fumes and dusts to the atmosphere is not permitted. Learn more about how to properly dispose of hazardous wastes.
Time Sensitive Chemicals (TSC) need to be periodically inspected or tested to ensure they are safe to use. The new Chemical Management System (CMS) now has a feature that allows users to enter inspection and test results. This allows for easier verification that TSC management requirements are being met. Click here to see the Safety Alert: Entering Time Sensitive Chemical Test Results Into CMS
A typical fluorescent light bulb is composed of a phosphor-coated glass tube. The phosphor contains mercury, a toxic chemical. Fluorescent light bulbs must be adequately stored to prevent breakage resulting in release of phosphor and broken glass. When a fluorescent lamp burns out or is no longer needed, it is regulated in the State of California as a “Universal Waste” and must be properly disposed. Learn more about safely using and storing fluorescent light bulbs.
Check out the “1 Minute 4 Safety” slide library designed to assist Berkeley Lab employees in conducting discussions on the environment, safety, and health topics
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