Safety Alerts
Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned
ETA Safety Alerts are made available as a quick source of information on a specific safety or environmental topic that may be of interest. Safety Alerts are organized by category. There is also a search function. If you can't find what you need, please contact the ETA Safety Manager, Ron Scholtz X8137.
Ensure your hazardous waste labels are properly identified. Avoid issues getting your waste containers picked up: Hazardous Waste Label Safety Alert
Ensure that all sample containers are clearly identified for contents. Each sample container should at a minimum identify the chemical contents. Learn more about proper disposal of unwanted chemical samples.
Certain empty chemical containers that previously held hazardous materials are exempt from hazardous waste regulations and can be disposed of in the regular trash. Read about this exemption and when to empty chemical containers can be placed into the regular trash.
Designated disposal boxes are commonly used in lab areas for collection of broken and damaged glassware. Broken glass can present a serious cut hazard, so it must be collected in a secure manner to prevent contact. In addition, the broken glass must be free of chemical, radiological, and biological hazards. Learn more about how to properly dispose of broken glass.
The following are some lessons learned that you should be aware of so that we don’t end up with so many old cylinders in the future. Read about how to return empty gas cylinders.
Check out the “1 Minute 4 Safety” slide library designed to assist Berkeley Lab employees in conducting discussions on the environment, safety, and health topics
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