

Ergonomic Evaluations and Resources

ETA personnel are encouraged to ensure that their work area is properly set-up. Any discomfort should be reported to your supervisor right away. An ergonomic evaluation can be requested by going to the Berkeley Lab Ergonomics Program website: Ergonomic Evaluation Request. ETA maintains its own ergonomics advocates that can assist you in identifying workstation adjustments and any needed equipment.

ETA Ergonomic Advocates

Ron ScholtzAll- Coordinator(510) 495-8137
Julie GloverETA Area(510) 486-4270
Maram CanawatiEAEI(510) 486-4764
Elizabeth ColemanEAEI(510) 486-5120
Maria Christina KatsoulisEAEI(510) 486-4582
Wing LeungEAEI(510) 486-7698
Tracee BosworthEAEI(510) 486-4291
Marion RussellEAEI(510) 486-7206
Maria Christina KatsoulisEAEI(510) 486-4582
Sharon AndersonEAEI(510) 495-8882
Banafsheh CobisenoBTUS(510) 495-8885
Shaylah RigmaidenBTUS(510) 486-4179
Bria ReinigerBTUS(510) 486-4424
Alison O'Connor-KorbESDR(510) 486-4291


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